When Anxiety is Helpful: Handling Life’s Stressful Moments
There are certain stressful situations in life where worrying, planning, and preparing are super helpful even if the process is super uncomfortable. When I say “anxiety” is helpful, what I’m really referring to here is the act of worrying, planning, preparing, and making decisions to handle real and present problems you are facing.
This is not the same thing as having an ‘anxiety disorder” which typically involves worrying and preparing for potential problems, not imminent ones. Here’s a few examples of stressful situations where worrying may be helpful if it leads to productive action. If you’re experiencing any of these, taking time to sit down and think through how you want to tackle it is a helpful use of your time. If problem solving isn’t your strong suit, please reach out. Our therapists can equip you with expert problem solving skills you need to tackle life’s stressors with a sense of confidence.
Legislation targeting your personal rights
Crime, discrimination, or harassment
Severe weather adding to daily tasks
Excessive traffic and commuting
Conflicts with neighbors or Home Owners Associations
Lack of work/life balance
Lack of boundaries around being “on call” for work
Coworkers not doing their job
Lack of training and support with mastering your job
Downsizing, being under-staffed, and absorbing other roles on top of current responsibilities
Unrealistic deadlines or last minute projects
Working more than 40 hours per week
Doing a job that feels too easy, boring, or below your level of training/experience
Dealing with client, patient, or customer problems
Lack of room for upward growth and advancement
Difficult personalities in supervisors
Lack of support or openness to express concerns
Feeling targeted by a teacher
Too much homework, not allowing for down time
Academic pressure to be above perfect to “keep up”
Too many extracurriculars, not allowing for down time (sports, clubs, volunteering, part-time jobs, etc)
Poor quality instruction or lack of support with difficult material
Not making enough money to afford the things you need
Not making enough money to do anything fun above the bare bones survival expenses
Not receiving child-support you’re owed
Budgeting problems
Unpaid debt, especially if it’s in collections
Bad credit making it hard to get approved to buy things you need
Not having an emergency fund
Being diagnosed with a physical illness
Having physical symptoms or limitations that make you reliant on others to care for you in some way
Ongoing medical treatment to manage a chronic health problem
Not getting enough or quality sleep
Poor nutrition
Lack of exercise
Divorce, separation, infidelity
Custody battles
DUI or other criminal charges
Speeding tickets, accidents, or other problems with your license
Home Life
Single parenting
Lack of reliable childcare
Car problems
Family experiencing mental health problems
Family with drug or alcohol problems
Too many people living in a small space
Too much stuff in your living space
Home repairs (leaky pipes, busted air conditioners, etc)
Losing things
Internal Needs & Conflicts
Difficulty deciding on a career path
Unsure whether to have kids or not
Unsure of whether to stay in a certain relationship or whether it may be the right time to start dating or looking for a partner
Too many tasks to fit in the amount of time you have to work with
Too much free time and a lack of direction
Not enough time to relax, have fun, or socialize
Too many things on your calendar
We can help.
If you or someone you love is struggling with anxiety, please reach out. We offer anxiety treatment with CBT Therapists in Orlando and online throughout the state of Florida. Call today or send us your info and we’ll reach out for a free consultation to see if one of our therapists would be a good fit.