4 Ways to Cope with Social Anxiety

Social anxiety develops over time or is something that has always been around for some people. The fear of criticism or rejection can bring the strongest people to their knees if their anxiety gets the best of them. The symptoms of social anxiety can make commonplace activities more difficult to take part in. It would be easy if you could just go out in to public and get over the trembling or dizziness. However, it isn't that simple. Here are some helpful tips to overcome social anxiety.

Go to Anxiety Counseling in Orlando

Social anxiety, despite the opinions of those who don't understand, is more than shyness. It isn't just being uneasy or nervous. It is a legitimate mental health condition. Working it out alone isn't an option for everyone. If you feel like you need help with your social anxiety, then do not be scared to seek out a therapist to help you find more insight. A therapist can help identify your triggers, and work around them. You will be amazed what reframing negative thoughts can do for your anxiety.

Note Your Triggers

If you feel that you want to try to handle your social anxiety on your own, then starting by identifying triggers is the only way. Social anxiety is a condition that can be trace to one common cause. Everyone experiences it for different reasons. When you feel it happening, note your triggers. Think about what the root cause of the social anxiety is. From there, you are able to start working towards solving the issue.

Engage in Realistic Thinking

This tip is something that you will have to actively work on applying. You need to challenge your negative thoughts, curve them in a different direction. If you take the negative thoughts that come at you and hold you back from your day-to-day life, challenge them, then reframe them to more positive or realistic thoughts, it will help change your perspective.

Social anxiety that is triggered by rejection, criticism, or judgment can be combated with objective thinking. If you are scared of people thinking you are weird, either embrace the weird or be realistic about the thoughts that you feel will influence their opinions.

Take Small Steps

Wanting to get out into the world and interact with others is understandable. No one wants to live as a shut in. But you can't expect it to happen overnight. Take small steps to improve your comfort levels with social interactions. Start with a small gathering of one or two trust people. People you know you will feel safe and comfortable with. Slowly expand the numbers in that gathering, respecting your own comfort level. Eventually you will be able to graduate into more social activities like grocery shopping. Baby steps can make the biggest progression. There is no shame in going slow.

We can help.

If you or someone you love is struggling with social anxiety, please reach out. We offer Social Anxiety Treatment including CBT Therapy in Orlando and online throughout the state of Florida. Call today or send us your info and we’ll reach out for afree consultation to see if one of our CBT Therapists would be a good fit.


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